Popular questions
Frequently asked questions
How can I purchase the courses?Click on the about us tab and scroll down to membership. Click on membership and choose from the different membership plans.
Can I upgrade my membership plan?To upgrade your membership plan go to membership and purchase the desired membership plan. Thereafter send an email to admin@productaplusonlinetutorin.com to cancel the previous membership plan.
How can I cancel my subscription plan?Cancellations are only permitted during the month of December in order not be part of new academic year.
Can I buy a course individually?There are membership plans with packages to be purchased.
Which curriculum is offered?We offer tutorials in CAPS
Which payment methods are supported?PayFast is a supported payment method.
Limited time offer
10% Discount on all of our new & upcoming courses
The following courses will be discounted by 10% until December 31, 2023: accounting, biology, business, chemistry, economics, geography and math.